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How DevGrid Transforms Leadership in Technology Operations

When we first embarked on the DevGrid journey, we engaged with prospective customers to understand their challenges in running technology organizations. One conversation with a CIO from a leading digital bank was particularly enlightening. He shared his frustration over the excessive time spent gathering information, saying, "I want to be eyes on, so I can be hands off." This insight became a guiding principle for us. The challenge for any organizational leader is clear: they need a steady stream of data about their organization's performance and operations. Yet, without efficient systems to deliver this information, they face constant uncertainty and a costly, disruptive process to obtain it. At DevGrid, we created EngOps to enhance transparency and dismantle information silos, ensuring that engineers, product managers, and their leaders receive information and insights swiftly. By integrating with your complete toolset, we provide contextual visibility and proactive insights into the state of your organization. Are you facing similar challenges in your technology operations? Discover how DevGrid can streamline your processes and empower your leadership with crucial insights. Contact us at hello@devgrid.io to schedule a demo and transform your leadership with DevGrid.


When we first embarked on the DevGrid journey, we engaged with dozens of prospective customers to understand their challenges in running technology organizations. One conversation, in particular, remains vivid in my memory. I was discussing the daily grind with a CIO from a leading digital bank, who shared his frustration over the excessive time he and his team spent just gathering information. Echoing a sentiment from Stanley McChrystal, he said, "I want to be eyes on, so I can be hands off."

This insight was a revelation and has become a guiding principle for me. The challenge for any organizational leader is multifaceted: they need a steady stream of data about their organization's performance and operations. Yet, without efficient systems to deliver this information seamlessly, they face constant uncertainty.

You might think, "Why not just request the information needed?" While that seems straightforward, the repercussions of such requests can be extensive. Consider this scenario: You are the CIO at XYZ Bank with several critical business initiatives slated for the next few quarters. A partner mentions that the team's progress is too slow, although your reports show everything is on track. Curious, you ask the Application Manager to provide the team’s velocity and the ratio of committed to delivered work for the last two quarters.

Suddenly, it's chaos. The Application Manager wonders why you're asking for this data. They gather their leads and delivery personnel, brainstorming how to present the metrics favorably. Hours are spent collecting data, reviewing it, explaining any discrepancies, and potentially creating a detailed presentation to explain the metrics. This process often results in thousands of dollars wasted, increased stress, and ultimately, "massaged" information.

The dilemma is clear: you either lack the information or face a costly and disruptive process to obtain it. Moreover, many leaders don’t recognize this trade-off and request data without considering the implications.

The solution lies in automating the collection of all relevant data points for decision-making, providing leaders with passive, easy access, and a system to alert them to anomalies and insights. Without a systematic approach, consistency and trust in the data are compromised.

This fundamental need—to have a comprehensive view of operations—is why we created DevGrid. EngOps [link to EngOps article)is about enhancing transparency and dismantling information silos to ensure that engineers, product managers, and their leaders receive information and insights swiftly. By integrating with your complete toolset (including SCM, CI/CD, SDLC, Observability, Cloud, HRIS, and more), we provide contextual visibility and proactive insights into the state of your organization.

Are you facing similar challenges in your technology operations? Discover how DevGrid can streamline your processes and empower your leadership with crucial insights. Contact us at hello@devgrid.io to schedule a demo. Transform your leadership with DevGrid and kickstart your EngOps journey today!

Duncan Mapes

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